April 2018 Volunteers
We are grateful to our March 2018 volunteers.
We are grateful to our March 2018 volunteers.
AVLF co-founder John Chandler and his wife Beth Tanis draw upon their history with AVLF to underpin our first-ever annual campaign.
Listening to the stories of AVLF’s clients isn’t just about learning more about our organization. It’s about better understanding your friends, your neighbors, and your community.
We are grateful to our March 2018 volunteers.
Through an intensive alternative spring break, law students learned about how their degree can combat housing instability and enrollment turnover.
We are grateful to our February 2018 volunteers.
The nationally broadcast segment investigated the impact of AVLF’s Standing with Our Neighbors program on the Thomasville Heights community.
The Attorney-Legal Assistant Partnership connects volunteer attorneys in need of additional help to volunteer legal assistants who are seeking a more immersive pro bono experience.
Ms. Alden’s daughter has sickle-cell anemia, and relies on an oxygen tank to keep her breathing; when she moved into a new house, Ms. Alden was horrified to find mold growing in the kitchen, a gaping hole in the wall, and roaches and gnats creeping in.
Ms. Terry’s boyfriend took her phone, pinned her on the bed, punched her, and stole her car. But despite his attempts to restrain her, Ms. Terry found her way to the Safe Families Office.
AVLF’s staff and Board of Directors have worked hard to design the 2018 AVLF Annual Campaign – a comprehensive, year-round fundraising plan – not only to sustain our successes to the greatest extent possible, but also to enhance your experience as a supporter of our work. We plan to focus on the reasons why you trust AVLF, year after year, to improve the lives of Atlantans in need.
Community Advocate Christal Reynolds’s parents would often take in strangers who needed a warm place to sleep and a hand up. Decades later, the example her parents set guides her work in Thomasville Heights.
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