In Her Time of Grief

Published: December 4, 2017   |   No Comments  |  Read more

Ms. Green’s elderly mother passed away after living for 20 years in a senior apartment complex. When she came to retrieve her mother’s items, she found them all in a dumpster.

The Finger Pointing Finally Stopped

Published: November 27, 2017   |   No Comments  |  Read more

During the five years that Ms. Vincent lived in her South Atlanta apartment, her property management company changed three times. Each property company swore it did not have her $950 security deposit.

Letter From Leadership: Doing Something Real

Published: November 9, 2017   |   No Comments  |  Read more

“In a time when our divided and divisive politics seem to permeate, and damage, the fabric of our lives in ways I have not experienced and would not have guessed possible, I am particularly glad to work at Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation.”