A Lucky Escape Leads to Long Term Safety

Ms. Talley fled to the Safe Families Office, having made a narrow – and lucky – escape.

After attempting to end her relationship, her boyfriend held her hostage for nearly a week. He took her phone so she couldn’t call for help. When Ms. Talley tried to escape, he beat her.

For a brief moment, her boyfriend became distracted, and she bolted.

Ms. Talley told the Safe Families team that her abuser was calling her family and friends, threatening to murder her. She left the Courthouse that day with a Temporary Protective Order. Shortly after, first-time volunteer Kevin Kucharz of King & Spalding readily volunteered to represent her pro bono.

Kevin successfully negotiated a consent twelve-month protective order in which Ms. Talley’s ex-boyfriend is restrained from having any contact with her. 

Thank you, Kevin, for advocating for Ms. T and her safety!

Learn more about how you can volunteer with our Safe Families Office.