From One Survivor to Another: You’re Ready

NATALIA |  March 25, 2021

In this blog post, our client Natalia shares her message to fellow survivors. 

Dear survivor,

You are ready. You can do it. You deserve better. 

Leaving…The thought alone may be terrifying and seem like a daunting, unreachable task, but you can do it. 

Your worries and concerns are all valid. You are valid. But please know you deserve peace, joy and safety.

 Your diligence and bravery will guide you to the violence-free life you already know you deserve.

If you are suffering in and/or dealing with domestic violence in any capacity, please know there is a better life waiting for you and no matter what anyone else says or tries to do, you deserve a beautiful life. You truly do.

AVLF, PADV, and other organizations are there and will help you. There are resources available to help you through it all. Take the first step. Trust, it is waiting for you.

It’s ok to be afraid, but I encourage you to do it anyway. Be safe. Take the precautions. But do the work. Ask for the help. Trust the process. Your diligence and bravery will guide you to the violence-free life you already know you deserve.

You can do it. You deserve it.

Again, I encourage you to just trust the process and take the first step, then the next…and the next…and Be Free. 

Step by step you will call your power back to you. Reclaim your life, your sanity, and your soul. 

You can do it. You deserve it.

With love,


Read Natalia’s story.