AVLF at the Movies – Paycheck to Paycheck
CAREY KERSTEN | September 23, 2015 The mission of Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation is to create safe and stable homes and families by inspiring attorneys to fight for equal justice. It […]
CAREY KERSTEN | September 23, 2015 The mission of Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation is to create safe and stable homes and families by inspiring attorneys to fight for equal justice. It […]
AVLF does amazing work with the people most often taken advantage of in Atlanta: the low-income. In this group, Spanish-speakers are often disproportionately affected by slumlords and unscrupulous employers. I came into this job last year having spoken a little Spanish, but not nearly enough to properly assist these vulnerable clients. I had the opportunity last month to spend two weeks intensively studying Spanish in Monterrico, Guatemala, to help me better support the Spanish-speakers who call our office.
Mark S. VanderBroek, Special to the Daily Report (Reprinted with permission)
Imagine this scenario: A young couple struggling to make ends meet falls behind in paying the water bill for the townhouse they are renting. They eventually make payments to bring the account current, but shortly after that the water is shut off. The water account is in the landlord’s name, and he refuses to do anything to get the water turned back on.
Who, what, where? Jane Warring; Graduate of Emory University Law School; Started career at Holland & Knight, moved to Robins Kaplan Miller and Ciresi (now Robins Kaplan) in 2008. Left in 2013 with three other colleagues to start the Atlanta office of Clyde & Co US LLP. The Clyde & Co Atlanta office now has 10 attorneys and 6 staff members. I am the current President of the Junior Board of AVLF.
Marty Ellin and Kenisha Wade recently appeared on Fulton County Commissioner Joan Garner’s TV show, The District. Watch it here.
Angela Waldrop, Special to the Daily Report (Reprinted with permission)
Mr. S. was a 54-year-old veteran and former long-distance truck driver who was finally ready to settle down in one place. In early 2013, he found what he thought was the perfect Atlanta apartment.
Who, what, & where? Dena Hong, J.D. with honors from Emory in 1999; undergrad at Indiana University. I’ve been with UPS since 2004 and am currently Labor & Employment Counsel for the Corporate office. Before joining UPS, I was a Labor & Employment associate at Kilpatrick Stockton and a Litigation associate at Smith, Gambrell, & Russell. I’m the current Vice President of the AVLF Board of Directors and will the President in 2016.
More than 700 friends of AVLF and Atlanta Legal Aid attended the June 11 event at Opera, raising over $75,000 to support equal access to justice in our community.
CAREY KERSTEN | June 30, 2015 Quick snapshot (name, education, job history, any other boards you sit on, etc.): James M. (“Jimmy”) Rusert, University of Georgia, A.B.J., summa cum laude […]
LIZ WHIPPLE | June 25, 2015 Working at AVLF is, at its heart, about making friends. The incredible people at the Fulton County Courthouse who have taken me in, thank you. […]
Grand Cru John Chandler & Elizabeth Tanis | Daily Report | Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP | King & Spalding LLP | Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP | Warner, Bates, […]
In 2013, Susan and her boyfriend, Juan, rented a home in South Fulton. A few months later, Susan was hospitalized, and Juan stayed with friends nearby so he could visit her frequently. When Susan was released, she and Juan returned to the home, only to discover that their landlord had turned off the water, changed the locks, and pawed through their belongings.
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