AVLF does not provide training in this area, as volunteers are required to already have collection experience.

AVLF does, however, provide an extensive level of support to Dollars for Judgments volunteer attorneys. Cases are prescreened for errors with the judgments, bankruptcy filings and other collection-related factors. Volunteers initially receive a referral package that contains all related paperwork (Judgment, FiFa, case documents that might be helpful), an account of the facts and any previous collection efforts or tips, and contact information for the attorney that obtained the judgment. To support volunteers’ collection efforts, AVLF can assist with the waiving of all related filing fees (e.g., garnishments, post-judgment discovery), provide access upon request to a small litigation fund and significantly discounted court-reporting services and process servers, and make introductions to other experts in the field who have taken on AVLF cases for consultation and advice.