How Many Volunteers Does It Take to Win a Case?
After living in her house for several years, Ms. Arrington discovered both her air conditioner and her kitchen sink were leaking. When her landlord failed to properly repair the problems, the ongoing leaks began to cause serious damage. Adding insult to injury, electrical problems caused her bills to spike.
In late 2016, an Alston & Bird LLP attorney met Ms. Arrington at an AVLF Saturday Lawyer Day and accepted the case. Thanks to her attorney’s advocacy, repairs were finally made in her apartment – but the landlord still refused to reimburse Ms. Arrington for her water-damaged belongings.
Ultimately, the landlord filed an eviction against Ms. Arrington. That’s when Alston’s Catherine Payne and Aliyya Haque stepped in. The attorneys partnered with PwC Forensic Services Director Michelle Davis and Manager HyeYun Lee, who testified about the water damages. Thanks to this dream team’s hard work, the court dismissed Ms. Arrington’s eviction notice and awarded her over $1,000 for damage to her personal property, increased utility bills, and for money spent on an electrician.