AVLF and Warner Bates Raise Nearly $30,000 for the Guardian ad Litem Program
On September 13th, Warner Bates and Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation raised nearly $30,000 at the 7th Annual Guardian ad Litem Benefit.
The Guardian ad Litem Benefit, hosted annually at Warner Bates, was a successful night of cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, and important fundraising for a program most crucial to the Fulton County courts.
In high-conflict custody cases, a judge may need to appoint a Guardian to investigate the circumstances and advocate in the best interest of the child(ren). AVLF trains and supervises Guardians for cases in Fulton County where the families cannot afford to hire a Guardian on their own.
Fulton Superior Court Family Division Judge Christopher Brasher offered his remarks at the event.
“I volunteered to serve on the Family Division because we have a real chance to help families and improve the outlook for the children involved,” said Judge Brasher. “AVLF’s Safe Family and Guardian ad Litem Programs have been working to accomplish these same goals since they began. Their great efforts contribute directly to any success our Court has in making a positive difference for families.”
” The AVLF Safe Families and Guardian ad Litem Programs are indispensable. We are truly fortunate to have these unique programs to help families in Fulton County. Because they exist, cases are more quickly and effectively resolved, families are helped, and children are safeguarded. ” – Judge Brasher
There were over 100 attendees at Warner Bates on Thursday, including many members of the Family Law Section of the Atlanta Bar. Catering was provided by Taco Cowboy.
AVLF and the Safe and Stable Families staff are overwhelmed with gratitude for the support of the family law community in keeping this program alive. Thank you to all of our sponsors and attendees for your dedication and enthusiasm – and thank you for standing with us.
Our next event is the Winetasting. Will we see you there?
Ashleigh Starnes
Communications Associate
As AVLF’s Communications Associate, Ashleigh helps Lauren Frazier with website content development, social media outreach, and various other forms of communication with our fiercely compassionate supporters. Ashleigh is ever-eager to share the remarkable stories of our clients, and the impact of AVLF’s staff and volunteers on our community.
Before joining AVLF, Ashleigh was a Fulbright Scholar in Turkey. She holds a BA in English and Linguistics from the University of Georgia. She is also a performance artist, and can occasionally be seen performing movement pieces, poetry, and combinations of the two around Atlanta and beyond.
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