AVLF Receives Funding from Kendeda Fund, Community Foundation, Georgia Bar Foundation
This past month AVLF received funding from a number of sources. We are deeply grateful for the following organizations’ contributions and appreciate their commitment to AVLF’s mission.
The Kendeda Fund, which supports the dignity of individuals and the sustainability of communities, allocated $100,000 to benefit AVLF’s Standing With Our Neighbors program (SWON) as it expands to five new schools. Although the fund has many different areas of focus, its Atlanta Equity program prioritizes creating a city accessible to all. They focus on creating egalitarian access to high-quality education and economic opportunity for historically marginalized populations and communities of color in metro Atlanta.
Standing With Our Neighbors also received $7,000 from the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta‘s Spark Opportunity Donor Circle. The Community Foundation as a whole is committed to connecting passionate donors with innovative nonprofits, and the Spark Opportunity Donor Circle brings a dedicated group of donors together who are focused on bridging the equity gap in metro Atlanta. The Circle is currently concentrating on the Thomasville Heights neighborhood, where AVLF began Standing With Our Neighbors in 2016. This funding will directly sustain outreach in Thomasville Heights. AVLF is appreciative of the Community Foundation’s support of SWON since its inception.
The Georgia Bar Foundation continued its long-time support of AVLF by awarding $75,000 to our Safe and Stable Families Program. A historic supporter of AVLF’s domestic violence work, the Georgia Bar Foundation focuses on improving the administration of justice. Additionally, they are also responsible for re-allocating the funds Georgia received from the Bank of America settlement to be directed toward community revitalization. Recognizing AVLF for our impact in stabilizing neighborhoods throughout Atlanta, the Foundation awarded SWON $325,000.
If you are interested in learning more about ways to support the Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation, please email Development Director Libby King or give her a call at (404) 524-5311.