3 Cristo Rey Interns Join Our Team for the School Year
We’re thrilled to welcome our three Fall 2019 Cristo Rey interns: Hasana, Angelica, and Oscar!
This fall, we welcomed three new interns onto our team from Cristo Rey Jesuit High School.
This our fourth year having Cristo Rey interns on our team, and we couldn’t be more excited to see the enthusiasm and new ideas that this cohort brings to the table.
At the beginning of their internship, Hasana, Angelica, and Oscar have spent time getting to know our different programs and services. (Fun fact: this is Hasana’s second year with us! She had such a great time that she asked to come back.)
Hasana is a Senior at Cristo Rey. Her favorite subject in school is calculus.
In her free time, Hasana likes to help out at school and hang with her friends.
When she graduates from college, she wants to be successful living in Washington, D.C.
Hasana is with us on Wednesdays! This is her second year at AVLF. She’s even interested in writing some blog posts this semester, so keep an eye out!
Angelica is a Sophomore at Cristo Rey. Her favorite subject in school is AP World History.
In her free time, Angelica likes to watch Netflix and sleep.
When she graduates from college, she wants to be a lawyer or a doctor.
Angelica is with us on Thursdays! She’s really good at math, so we’re excited to see how she applies her skills to the nonprofit world.
Oscar is a Freshman at Cristo Rey. His favorite subject in school is Social Studies.
In his free time, Oscar likes to play soccer and sleep.
When he graduates from college, he wants to be a professional soccer player.
Oscar is with us on Fridays! He says his secret skill is his imagination – that means that he’ll have plenty of amazing ideas for his work with us at AVLF.
Read other stories about our Cristo Rey interns.

Ashleigh Starnes
Communications Manager
As AVLF’s Communications Manager, Ashleigh works in website content development, social media outreach, and various other forms of communication with our clients, volunteers, and supporters.
Ashleigh is ever-eager to share the remarkable stories of our work, and the impact of AVLF’s staff and volunteers on our community.
Before joining AVLF, Ashleigh was a Fulbright Scholar in Turkey. She holds a BA in English and Linguistics from the University of Georgia. She is also a performance artist, and can occasionally be seen performing movement pieces, poetry, and combinations of the two around Atlanta and beyond.
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