As my summer internship with AVLF approached, I had no idea what to expect. This was my first shot at work experience in the legal field, and it was difficult keeping the nerves at bay. Yet on my first day, it became immediately apparent that any apprehension was unwarranted. AVLF is one of those rare entities that sounds too good to be true, but truly is extraordinary in every way – from their incredible staff, to their altruistic mission, to the actual impact that they have on Atlanta’s most impoverished residents.

Summer Intern Gabriela Medina-Nuñez at a community outreach event in Atlanta this summer.
It all starts in the office. Within the first week, every single member of the staff took a moment to personally chat with me (starting with the Executive Director, Marty Ellin) and get to know a little of my story. I was born in Puerto Rico and lived in Arizona and Augusta, Georgia, before moving to Atlanta for law school. Before choosing law school, I taught Spanish in an impoverished school district, so I had seen first-hand the struggles of low-income students and families.
The incredible men and women in this organization take on the relentless challenges to fight daily for equal access to justice. I was fortunate enough to participate by assisting the Safe and Stable Homes Project. Observing meetings with community partners, court hearings, eviction defense trainings, as well as researching and drafting letters and memoranda were all fantastic practice for a rising second year law student.
“Until you actually speak to the clients facing these appalling housing issues and actually see the conditions they are forced to live in, it is difficult to imagine how even the smallest injustices can destabilize their lives.”
However, it was the interactions with clients that stole my heart. I visited several clients in their homes, some of whom were elderly and disabled, and interviewed them about the poor conditions they were facing. I took photographs of their apartments and heard stories about landlord neglect. Until you actually speak to the clients facing these appalling housing issues and actually see the conditions they are forced to live in, it is difficult to imagine how even the smallest injustices can destabilize their lives.
AVLF is also huge on community engagement. They target specific low-income communities in Fulton County and focus their resources to provide better aid for residents of those neighborhoods. I enjoyed partaking in activities at elementary schools, food banks, health clinics, neighborhood meetings, libraries, and more. I learned so much about Atlanta and its challenges, and about all of the ways that help is needed.
It was an absolute privilege spending my summer with an organization that makes a difference fighting for those in need. I am extremely grateful for my time with AVLF and already cannot wait to come back and volunteer in the future!
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