Quick snapshot (name, education, current and past jobs, etc.):
Avital Stadler, Duke University 1993 (BA in Public Policy Studies) and Emory University School of Law 1998. Clerked for the Honorable Julie E. Carnes of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia out of law school. Served two stints each with McKenna Long & Aldridge and Sutherland Asbill & Brennan. Now, General Counsel at Esquire Deposition Solutions, LLC.
How long have you been involved with AVLF?
I took my first Saturday Lawyer case in 2002 and since then have regularly accepted cases through Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation. I joined the Board in 2006 and have served every executive committee role from secretary to board president.
Give us your best elevator pitch – why are you involved with AVLF?
AVLF saves lives. Whether it is protecting a woman from partner violence or ensuring that a family has a safe place to live, AVLF evens the playing field and brings equal justice to those who could not otherwise afford it. AVLF embodies affording justice to all people, something that is incredibly important to me.
What is your favorite AVLF memory?
I helped a young woman get out of a bad housing situation. When I told her about the resolution of the case, she began to cry. And then she told me that she wanted to volunteer with AVLF to help others. It was an amazing moment where I realized how much power AVLF gives to its clients – and how I could make such an impact on someone’s life by picking up the phone and making some calls on her behalf.
What are you proudest of professionally?
Pro bono has afforded me some of the proudest moments. Two things come to mind: 1) I was fortunate enough to be part of a team that wrote an amicus brief in the Boumediene v. Bush Supreme Court case on behalf of a group of specialists in Israeli military and constitutional law. It was an amazing team effort. 2) I did some pro bono work representing clients in attorney fee arbitrations in front of the state bar in which I was able to help individuals retrieve money that was unlawfully taken from them by their former attorneys. This work helped restore faith in the justice system to my clients.
And personally?
I have three great kids. I enjoy being an active person and have run five marathons and dozens of half-marathons. I have run nine of those races on behalf of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (with Team in Training) and have raised nearly $15,000 to find a cure for cancer. I am currently training for the Flying Pig Marathon in Cincinnati to be held in May, my tenth Team in Training event.
Is there anything else you want our readers to know?
My favorite AVLF staff member is Carey Kersten – she and I are getting married in May. To make it a completely AVLF event, Marty Ellin will be marrying us.